Dette indlæg vil foregå på engelsk idet min klient, Iliyan, som dette opslag handler om taler engelsk.
So far we have had 15 weeks to build up Iliyans muscle mass.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with this truly inspiring young man and helping him to gain muscle mass. Iliyan has delivered great results during these 15 weeks and he has always done his best when dieting and training.
For Iliyan the hardest thing is to eat SOOO much food so that he can gain some muscle mass, which most people probably wouldn’t call a problem?. So it took us a while before he started gaining, but we found a way and now he’s gaining good! We’re not done yet, but we’ve come a long way already!
Iliyan and I only meet ones a month and even though I wish we meet a bit more often I can see that he’s doing a fantastic job and I’m truly glad that he choose me as his coach – it’s a pleasure and i’m extremely proud of his results and his attitude about this lifestyle.
This is the result so far:
- Plus 3,5 kilo muscle mass
- Minus 500 grams of fat
- Minus 51,5 cm
- Leg and shoulder pain have decreased to almost none.
Here is what Iliyan says about our work together:
What have been good about your work with Sarah?
It has been a pleasure since the very first meeting. She was listening to everything, every small detail. What I wanted to do, to change, like or dislike, and on that base created a great nutrition plan with exciting physical exercises. But most of all I love that Sarah made a well-balanced plan that worked with my daily life habits and work. Sarah is always ready to listen and make changes to want I don’t want or don’t like.
What kind of physical changes have you attained?
Since I have started working with Sarah I have gained 5kg, build a lot of muscle mass, lost fats, became stronger and more energetic.
And my skin. It became more elastic and softer.
How has your meetings with Sarah Been?
In one word “exciting”. There is nothing like it. What will be my results? Have I done good or bad? Have I an improvement? Can’t wait to tell her how I fell and what I want to change or keep! And of course, my new training plan, can’t wait to see it.
Has your work with Sarah improved your knowledge about nutrition and exercise?
Yes, it has, now I look at the food more as an energy source, rather than food that will satisfy my appetite. I can combine food types better and make better macro nutrition plans.
Can you recommend Sarah as a personal trainer? If yes – why?
That is an easy answer.
Yes, of course!
Sarah is not only a great professional, who wants to make us feel and look better, but also she is a great person willing to sit down and talk with you. Sarah made me feel special, not just next customer. I felt like I am unique. That feeling is awesome.
Mange tak, Sarah!
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